Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla nigricans)
The pulsatilla, or
windflower as it is also known, contains a poisonous substance which results in blisters
in the mouth and throat if chewed. Homoeopath will often prescribe Pulsatilla to patients
with conditions accompanied by a thick discharge.
Pulsatilla was made as a
remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes
in the individuals were recorded.
When a Homoeopath sees a
patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then
prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Pulsatilla can
eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.
This Homoeopathic Remedy
May Aid...
breast infections
rattling type coughs
eye inflammation (when
the eyes ache and thick discharge)
fever with chills
hay fever
indigestion from rich,
fatty foods
aching joints that
improve with movement and cold compresses
urethritis in men
late menstrual periods
otitis media (middle ear
varicose veins
depression with excessive
Pulsatilla is available
over the counter both in liquid and in tablet form.
Professional advice
is required for
each particular ailment and for dosages.
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