Bichromicum Kali Bichromicum is a chemical compound that may be derived from
chromium iron ore or by another process. Kali Bichromicum is a highly caustic and powerful
poison and is mainly utilised in textile dyeing, wood staining, and is also in electric
Homoeopaths believe Kali
Bichromicum is best used for conditions that have symptoms of localised pain.
For Homoeopathic use, this
caustic chemical, also called Kali Bi, is diluted to non toxic levels.
Like most Homoeopathic
prescriptions, Kali Bi was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy
individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.
When a Homoeopath sees a
patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by Kali Bi, they then
prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Kali Bi can
eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.
This Homoeopathic Remedy
May Aid...
acute bronchitis,
mucusy colds coupled with
a heavy cough,
sinusitis and resulting
pains in the joints.
Kali Bichromicum is
available over the counter.
Professional advice
is required for
each particular ailment and for dosages.
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