Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum)
This Also known as
St.-John's-wort, this shrubby perennial herb has oblong leaves that are covered with
transparent oil glands that look like human flesh. The leaves resemble skin and even give
the appearance of bleeding when injured. It is no coincidence that this herb is renowned
for its healing properties for the skin.
In Homoeopathy, Hypericum
is often prescribed for injuries to the body, and for the soothing effect it has on
injured nerves.
The whole plant is
harvested for Homoeopathic use in summer and is pounded to a pulp, soaked in an alcohol
solution, then diluted to the desired potencies.
This Homoeopathic Remedy
May Aid...
backaches along the
lower spine
bites and stings from
animals and insects
cuts and wounds to
nerve-rich parts of the body.
suppresses Inflammation
suppresses or inhibits
some types of viruses
may inhibits the virus
that causes Hepatitis B
significantly improves
Hypericum is available over
the counter in various strengths, in both liquid and tablet form.
Professional advice
is required for
each particular ailment and for dosages.
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