This is a highly infectious bacterial disease characterised by a strange whoop sound upon coughing.
What to look for
a runny nose, cough, mild fever and loss
of appetite.
spasms of coughing - with the
characteristic whoop at the end.
vomiting after coughing episodes.
Whooping cough or pertussis, is a highly
contagious and potentially dangerous respiratory infection. It should always be treated by
a conventional doctor. If left untreated, it can cause lung damage and recurrent bronchial infections, brain damage or death.
Whooping cough is caused by bacteria. It is
spread by droplets of water sneezed or coughed by the sufferer.
Traditional Treatment
You must go to a doctor and receive
treatment for this as soon as possible. Any delay could be very dangerous.
Alternative therapies should be used only
in conjunction with conventional medicine.
Herbal Therapies - For
cough relief, try wild black cherry (Prunus serotina) bark syrup. For
cough relief, try wild black cherry (Prunus serotina) bark syrup.
Other herbs that might help relieve the
cough include sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), thyme
(Thymus vulgaris), (Lactuca canadensis).
Homoeopathy - Homoeopathic
remedies can help supplement conventional care remedies may include Carbo vegetabilis,
Drosera, or Coccus cacti. Homoeopathic
remedies can help supplement conventional care remedies may include Carbo
vegetabilis, Drosera, or Coccus cacti.
Personal Care
Ensure plenty of fluids are taken in to
avoid dehydration.
Keep your child away from cigarette
Make your child sit up while having
coughing fits as this can help the passages.
Always have your children immunised against
this disease - it is commonplace these days.
When to seek
further professional advice