Dandruff is excessive scaling of dead skin on the scalp
What to look for
flakes of skin that range from small and
white to large, greasy, and yellow.
itchy flaking that appears on the scalp
or eyebrows, or around the hairline, ears, or nose.
Dandruff usually poses no danger
whatsoever. But it can be annoying and also embarrassing.
Washing your hair more often is not always
the answer and dandruff does not necessarily happen because you dont wash your hair
Dandruff is actually the shedding of dead
skin cells.
Skin cells that grow and die off too fast
are the cause of dandruff, but doctors do not know why this happens. Some people with
severe flaking have overactive sebaceous glands; others have an elevated level of fungus
which is present in most people but to excess in dandruff sufferers. Other causative
factors include hereditary, food allergies, excessive
sweating, use of strong shampoos,
yeast infections, stress or the time of the year.
Dandruff flakes are greasy and yellow are
linked to a type of dermatitis; Dry, thick lesions consisting of large scales may be
psoriasis of the scalp. You do not usually have to worry about these types of dandruff
unless you scratch your scalp continuously, then bacteria have more chance of entering the
Traditional Treatment
Shampoos that you can buy over-the-counter
shampoos can help moderate dandruff, but you may have to consult your doctor about more
stubborn forms. Some herbal remedies may relieve the itching and dryness, but it usually
takes tougher tar-based product to remove the greasy scales.
If you find that you are still scratching
and shedding after trying over-the-counter preparations, see your doctor.
Doctors recommend being careful with
medicated shampoos and to rinse them thoroughly after use. Also once the dandruff has
cleared up, do not use the medicated shampoo too often as it is too strong for frequent
Brushing your hair with a natural-bristle
brush can also prove beneficial.
In addition to herbal preparations a
careful balanced diet, stress-reducing activities, and massage may prove to be of some
benefit in treating dandruff.
Herbal Therapies -
To prevent flaking and protect against infection, try massaging
tea tree oil
into your scalp. Some herbalists
believe it is as effective as prescription creams.
Another option is to rub Aloe Vera into the scalp before shampooing along with Nettle Tea and
oil. Use Olive oil as the carrier cream if your scalp is dry and diluted lemon juice or
apple cider if your scalp is oily.
Stress may aggravate dandruff. Regular
exercise is also good for your stress levels.
Aromatherapy - If
your scalp is oily, use
Cedarwood in a carrier
oil to massage into your scalp daily. If
your scalp is oily, use
Cedarwood in a carrier
oil to massage into your scalp daily.
Another solution is to blend 4 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of geranium oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oils into a carrier oil such as
jojoba and massage into hair a few times per week.
If you have greasy dandruff, blend 3 drops
tea tree oil, 1 drop rosemary oil, 2 drops juniper oil, 2 drops cedarwood oil and 2 drops lemon oil into a carrier oil and massage into scalp.
At Home Solutions - Briskly
massaging your scalp while using a herbal preparation such as tea tree oil or olive oil,
will improve the circulation in your scalp.
Watch your diet - eat nutritious, low-fat
Wash your hair and scalp at least once a
week with a medicated dandruff shampoo or try one of the herbal alternatives listed above
to prevent recurrences. Another shampoo to try is one based on soothing herbs like
Chamomile, Rosemary, Thyme, Comfrey, Elderflower and Nettle. (Go to Herbs Information)
Diet Considerations
Dandruff is a common symptom of food
allergies, however it is often difficult to determine which foods or combination of foods
is the culprit.
If standard dandruff treatments don't seem
to be working for you, try cutting fatty foods (such as nuts and chocolate), dairy
products, excessive sugar, spicy foods, and seafood out of your diet. Supplements of
vitamins, such as biotin, thiamine (vitamin B1), Niacin (vitamin B3), Evening Primrose
oil, Dandelion Extract and Vitamin B12), may help eliminate dandruff by improving your
body's ability to break down fatty acids. (Go
to Vitamin Information)
When to seek
further professional advice
scaling is greasy and yellow, and does
not respond to over-the-counter dandruff shampoos and lotions; you may have Seborrheic
Dermatitis and need more aggressive treatment to relieve the itching and flaking.
your dandruff is itchy and only in a few