is an inflammation of the joints and
its causes are varied. There are two main types of arthritis - rheumatoid arthritis
and osteoarthritis.
What to look for
Osteoarthritis -
Stiffness and pain when the joint is moved after time the pain becomes continuous. The
joints which bear the weight are the worst affected - hips, knees, lower back, big toes.
(Being overweight can make the condition worse).
Arthritis - Painful swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the arms, legs,
wrists, or fingers in the same joints on both sides of the body, especially on awakening.
Fever, joint inflammation,
tenderness, and sharp pain, chills, could be associated with an injury, illness.
In children,
intermittent fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, anaemia, or blotchy rash on the arms
and legs may signal juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
when the cartilage in a joint ceases to act as a shock absorber and becomes eroded by the
movement of the joint. There is a systematic loss of bone tissue in the joint. It tends to
come on slowly over time and may not be noticeable in some people, although an accident or
fracture can also cause it. More common in people over 45. It is the most common form of
Rheumatoid arthritis
is slightly more serious
It gradually becomes worse over time. The inflammation of
the joints can eventually become deformed or be destroyed. It can strike anybody between
the ages of 25 and 55.
Although the mechanism of
osteoarthritis is unknown, some people appear to have a genetic predisposition to
degenerative bone disorders. In rare cases, congenital bone deformation appears at an
early age. Misuse of anabolic steroids can also bring on early osteoarthritic
Each of the two major types
of arthritic conditions has its own apparent causes...
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not fully understood. Some
researchers think it may be some sort of auto-immune disorder. Another theory suggests
that it is an immune reaction to a viral infection somewhere in the body or hereditary.
This common degenerative joint disease is part of the aging process. The condition may be
associated with broken bones and can develop in young adults from wear and tear on the
body's load-bearing joints, often as a result of athletic activity. In cases of
osteoarthritis, the cartilage and bone cannot repair themselves sufficiently to keep up
with the damage.
Traditional Treatment
If you think you may have
some form of arthritis, do not just put up with it. There are
now products on the market that can help relieve the discomfort of this
Sometimes arthritic damage
can be slowed or stopped, but in most cases the damage continues as the disease runs its
course, regardless of whether drugs or other therapies are used to relieve the symptoms.
The duration and intensity of
the actual pain and discomfort depend on the type of arthritis and how severe the condition
is. The recovery can take a short time for otherwise healthy people or may take
longer for
older patients.
For localised pain,
stiffness, and immobility, medication is used to relieve pain and inflammation, rest
should be taken to let injured tissues heal themselves, and exercise to rebuild mobility
and strength.
To reduce pain and
inflammation in mild cases of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, your doctor
may prescribe an over the counter drug. Doctors may combine this drug with
periods of heat applied to the affected area, rest and exercise,
physical therapy, and physical aids such as canes or walkers. Controlled application of
deep heat can soothe affected joints. Your Pharmacist will be able to
assist you with these.
In more advanced cases, your
Doctor may recommend injections to ease the pain and stiffness of affected
In cases of arthritic
complications from injury or infection, specific therapy will depend on the nature and
seriousness of the underlying condition. The major concern is for healing the affected
area before more serious complications occur. Treatment of infectious arthritis typically
involves large intravenous doses of antibiotics as well as drainage of excess fluid from
the joints.
Various forms of surgery may
be needed to reduce the discomfort of arthritis or to restore mobility. The
removal of damaged connective tissue can relieve the pain, and allows the body to
regenerate new, healthy tissue in its place. This operation is most common in the knee.
In cases of severe arthritic
damage to the neck or foot, bones can be surgically removed or fused. Although movement is
limited after such surgery, the operations help relieve excruciating pain and help prevent
further damage to nerves or blood vessels.
If arthritic pain and
inflammation become truly unbearable, or arthritic joints simply refuse to
work properly, the
answer may lie in surgical replacement. Today, hip and shoulder joints as well as smaller
joints in elbows, knees, and fingers can be replaced with reliable artificial joints made
of stainless steel and plastic.
Because one of the hardest
parts of arthritis is being able to cope with the pain, many doctors recommend training in
pain management.
Many people use natural
therapies in a bid to ease arthritic pain as traditional treatments have not helped
substantially. Arthritis sufferers need to remember that what appears to work for one
person under a given set of circumstances may not work at all for someone else.
However, some options are:
Body Work -
In combination with other treatments, massage around affected joints or compassionate
touching by a doctor or other practitioner may have a comforting effect on those who
suffer from arthritis.
Herbal Therapies
- You can consult a naturopath or herbalist
who may prescribe a herbal mixture of several herbs that may help
alleviate the pain and discomfort of the arthritis. A great juice for this condition is celery juice made fresh. You can consult a naturopath or herbalist
who may prescribe a herbal mixture of several herbs that may help
alleviate the pain and discomfort of the arthritis. A great juice for this condition is celery juice made fresh.
Homoeopathy -
For chronic osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, remedies will be prescribed after
Yoga -
help relax the mind and body and help control the pain.
help relax the mind and body and help control the pain.
Personal Care
A balanced program of rest
and gentle exercise is highly recommended for both forms of arthritis, with swimming being
the best as it takes the weight off the affected areas.
Warmth (from hot water
bottles, wheat bags or a warm bath) can help relieve the pain and cold packs or
compresses of water can be good for serious attacks.
Regular exercise is important
to keep the joints mobile. People with weakened, badly deformed fingers from rheumatoid
arthritis benefit from specially designed utensils and door and drawer handles; people
suffering weakness in the legs and arms from osteoarthritis can use special bathroom
fixtures, especially tub rails and elevated toilet seats. Once again ask you Pharmacist
or doctor about these.
Dietary Considerations
Avoiding specific foods may
stop arthritic symptoms, especially grains, nuts, meats, eggs, and dairy products,
alcohol, tea and coffee. However, it is best for you to consult your health
practitioner who may prepare a special diet for your condition.
Avoid foods such as
tomato, potato, eggplant, and capsicum as these are likely to worsen the
Eat more fish (especially
tuna and salmon) avocado, fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals,
brown rice and plenty of filtered water. Generally low-fat, low-protein vegetarian diets
may ease the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis.
Vitamin therapy may relieve
certain arthritic symptoms
Beta carotene (vitamin A) has an antioxidant effect on cells,
neutralising destructive molecules called free radicals.
Vitamins C,
B6, B3 and
E, as
well as
Zinc. Vitamin C may also be advised for people
taking aspirin, which depletes the body's vitamin C balance.
Niacin (vitamin B3) may
also be helpful, although excessive use may aggravate liver problems.
Some therapists recommend
cherries or dark red berries to stimulate the production of collagen, essential to
cartilage repair.
Once again it
is best not to self-diagnose - visit your local pharmacy or naturopath who
are able to advise you on the best alternatives for your particular problem.
Always take vitamin
supplements under professional guidance, since overdoses of some vitamin compounds can
have side effects or undesirable interactions with drugs.
When to seek further
professional advice
the pain and stiffness come
on quickly, whether from an injury or an unknown cause;
the pain is accompanied by
you notice pain and
stiffness in your arms, legs, or back after sitting for short periods or after a night's
a child develops pain or a
rash on armpits, knees, wrists, and ankles, or has fever swings, poor appetite, and weight